Wednesday, May 25, 2011

DJ Shadow - Endtroducing.....

Collages of beats, grooves and other such shit to make really cool instrumental hip-hop. It's funky, it's groovy, it's interesting and has lots of really enjoyable moments to it. Dig it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Boards of Canada - Geogaddi

I know I've posted way too much Boards of Canada on this blog, but it would be dumb of me not to put this one up. Fuck all their other albums I posted; this shit is dark, unnerving, and cool as fuck. Has lots of warped and distorted melodies with weird vocal loops and ominous moods, tones, etc. Very weird, groovy music that sometimes does nothing, but sometimes hits that sweet spot of strangeness and scariness and is something you want to listen to again and again. Personal favorite BoC album

Battles - Gloss Drop

Amazing album, way better than their last one. Awesome math rock, great percussions, weird as hell and really energized. Yamataka Eye is featured on one of the songs, but he doesn't do much. Im not in love with every single song on this album, but when it's good, it's really really really good.