Its that time of year again when the leaves turn, the children dress up and ring my door bell all night asking for candy and i have to tell them i don't have any because I ended up getting to drunk eating it all and throwing it up in the backyard. Yes! Thats right it's a Halloween fun for all. What a better way to start The Hallo-weekend then with Nervous Norvus the 50's (god i hate to call him this but) "novelty rocker" . This is a collection of all of his singles(and possibly all of his recordings). Norvus wrote the majority of these songs as a demo service writing them so other people could preform them. But Enough pre-history lets get to the sound. Nervous Norvus mixes his brand of 50's acoustic rock n roll with NOISE yes thats right noise sounds of car crashes, blood curdling screams, Insane warp sounds of UFO's. The lyrical content range from outer space aliens to baboons, to elvis, to love. All in All Nervous Norvus will be sure to Spook and please any guests you are planning on entertaining this Halloween. Best Spooky Tracks: The Fang, Kibble Kibble(The Flying Saucer Song), Stone Age Woo, and Blackout song
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